песня 90 - на шару слушать онлайн в mp3, а так же скачать песню и текст песни, исполняет Pompeya

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Песня: 90

Время: 04:30

Оценки: 0

Артист: Pompeya

Текст песни просмотрен: 381

Дата: 2015-03-13


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Другие песни артиста Pompeya
Текст песни:

'Tropical' LP
Theomatic Records 2011
When the love is too low and you want it back
Put the lights on
With rose in a hand, doubt in the heart
Put the lights on
My wheels on a tow and i go alone
Put the lights on
You should know without you i'm gone

Put the lights on
This is my home
Place, where i own
Memories of you, dear
Haunting your eyes
Closed in desquise
I'm mesmorised
In the memories of you, dear

I saw moon is a human invader
Put the lights on
And it power grew wider
Put the lights on
So we both must be a little wiser
Put the lights on
To doing something to quite her

Put the lights on
This is my home
Place, where i own
Memories of you, dear
Haunting your eyes
Closed in desquise
I'm mesmorised
In the memories of you, dear

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POMPEYA - 90 (Official Video)
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