песня Zombie Slam - на шару слушать онлайн в mp3, а так же скачать песню и текст песни, исполняет Pain

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Песня: Zombie Slam

Время: 03:32

Оценки: 0

Артист: Pain

Текст песни просмотрен: 576

Дата: 2014-11-13


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Другие песни артиста Pain
Текст песни:

There's something coming crawling
'Round the corner of your mind
Oh... your funeral has just begun
Buried alive, it will be over in no time
The date is set for tonight
VIP at the dead man's ball

Come and die with the zombies in the moonlight
They become alive when you die, you cannot fool them
You got to slam with the dead and let it go now
See a thousand hallowed eyes stare into the night

The sun goes down and the dead head minds,
They start to resurrect
Under the velvet sky and thirsty for your flesh
Steals your soul and you will lose control
And turns your tears into dust
You're fool that will never learn
Play with fire and you will get your fingers burned

Come and die with the zombies in the moonlight
They become alive when you die, you cannot fool them
You got to slam with the dead and let it go now
See a thousand hallowed eyes stare into the night

It's getting dark so prepare to die
They're coming after you
It's getting dark and you can't get away
They're coming after you

Come and die with the zombies in the moonlight
They become alive when you die, you cannot fool them
You got to slam with the dead and let it go now
See a thousand hallowed eyes stare into the night

PAIN - Zombie Slam
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