песня A Hope In Hell - на шару слушать онлайн в mp3, а так же скачать песню и текст песни, исполняет Glamour Of The Kill

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Песня: A Hope In Hell

Время: 03:26

Оценки: 0

Артист: Glamour Of The Kill

Текст песни просмотрен: 481

Дата: 2014-08-30


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Другие песни артиста Glamour Of The Kill
Текст песни:

I hide in the shadows I'm afraid of the light
and the day cannot disguise (Cannot disguise!)
that there must be something
there must be something more
and I feel it come alive when....

I hear her call my name
I hear her call my name
(Whoa oh oh oh oh oh) x2
one thing left to fear (One thing left to fear)
can you save me?
won't you save me from the dark?

We fight our fears as we parted blackened skies
as the rays of hope shone down to us
god only knows we tried (Only knows we tried!)
there must be something
there must be something more
and I know I will survive when,
I hear her call my name, I hear her call my name (Whoa oh oh oh oh oh) x2

One thing left to fear (One thing left to fear)
can you save me?
won't you save me from the dark? x2

I hear her call my name, I hear her call my name
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh oh oh.
one thing left to fear (One thing left to fear)
can you save me?
won't you save me from the dark? x2

Glamour of the Kill - A Hope in Hell
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